Monday, January 2, 2012

China Part XXXIX The Beijing Airport and Farewell To Our Chinese Friends

Our last outing in Beijing was a quick trip to the Silk Market. Several of our traveling companions needed to buy an extra suitcase to carry home their souvenirs.
While we waited for stragglers to get on the bus I took some shots of most of our group. My apologies to those whom I may have missed.

There was one last walk outside the hotel that night.
Dee Anna waves 'Bye Bye'.
James says, "I was here!"
We said took a last look at the Feitian.
I took a farewell self portrait via the mirror in my room.

Our time in Beijing had come to an end. Not only was it our last day in Beijing but it was also our final day in China. After checking out of our rooms we waited in the lobby of the hotel for our transportation to the airport.
Eventually the buses arrived and we navigated past the souvenir sellers and boarded one last time.  
(I did buy the offering from the lady pictured below, for Mom/Granny.)

The Beijing International Airport is, in a word, huge.

Granny and Joan...
and Henry  say their good-byes.
After security we took a train to our terminal.
Then walked to our concourse and gate.
Our final stop was this waiting area (below) overlooking the airliners being prepped for their flights.
We waited, chatted, dozed, reminisced.
Eventually we were all on board and the plane slowly backed away from the terminal.
Packed in all cozy like Sardines
Granny liked the individual screens in the back of the chairs.
She also liked the sun rises and sunsets as seen from the windows.
One hour and 20 minutes until we are home.
First sight of the 'Good 'ol USA'.
We at long last arrived at LAX in Los Angeles.
After a comparatively short flight to Salt Lake City the circle was complete, we were back on home ground.

Well, that was Granny's Great China Adventure.  It was educational, interesting and entertaining and we made some good friends.
Thanks for joining us. 
I hope you have enjoyed the ride.

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